Stylish Things   +  Art

Insp Style
L: Pedro Canicoba, M: Joana Preiss, R: Antonio Macarro

An interview with Antonio Macarro and Pedro Canicoba,
editors of Many of Them;
a journal packed with dreamy images, compelling discussions, and interviews.

+ Background
Antonio: I grew up in San Sebastian, Spain, and now I'm living here with Pedro in this city in Basque Country. I travel a lot but our studio has been based here since 2008. I love being here because the city is like a quiet background where I can focus on my work, my books, and me. I studied Fine Arts, and my work is always on this path between cinema and editorial fields.

Pedro: I grew up in Andalusia in Southern Spain and as Antonio said, we live in the Spanish Basque Country, which is beautiful. I have a degree in Publicity and studied Pattern Cutting and Dressmaking.

+ How did Many of Them come about?
P: Originally, Many of them was a book that Antonio created. At the beginning, we used to work for some Spanish magazines and newspapers, but we wanted to go further and talk about what we considered important. That is why we thought it would be nice to proceed with Many of Them. There was a kind of statement we made at the beginning of this journey together. We defined Many of Them as a limited edition publication of 1000 printed and distributed copies. Its aim is to offer a space for discussion in which creators can share their perspectives about their field, their language, and the problems they face in their everyday practice. This magazine encompasses many of the things Antonio and I love, and we try to create a place for them.

A: Yes, it originally started as a diary in 2008 and it keeps evolving into different formats. All the images and text are produced in-house, but we continue to learn from new external collaborations. We try to stand away from trends, as its purpose is to offer a haven where fascinating people can gather and timeless themes be addresses, to document the present whilst becoming an archive for the future. + Could you describe a typical day?
A: First coffee, then emails, calls, meetings, and after that, I don't know what to say...everyday is a new story. Work in this field is like an expedition, you never know what is going to happen tomorrow. You have to try to reach a certain point but everyday is a new challenge.

P: During wintertime, San Sebastian is very quiet and the days are the same, this I love. It reminds me of the old times when the good bourgeoisie had everything organized around breakfast, lunch, and I suppose this is one of my typical days because I love being a little bourgeois.

+ Favorite spots in San Sebastian?
P: The sea
A: Living close to the sea and my family

+ Favorite books and magazines
A: A diary in the strictest sense of the term. Bronislaw Malinowski. Stanford University Press, 1989
Un film falado. Manoel de Oliveira, 2003.
Eroberung des Nutzlosen. Werner Herzog. Blackie Books, 2010.

P: The encyclopedia

+ What are your spring essentials?
A: Gin + tonic
P: A short and "mantecado" ice cream

+ Favorite spring-time meal?
A: Seafood, gazpacho, and salmorejo
P: Cucumber sandwiches

+ Favorite music/albums?
A: R&B
P: Frank Ocean

+ What are you dreaming of?
A: More free time, traveling, the new big issue of Many of Them Magazine (coming January 2017) and to be able to follow and develop my path.
P: Traveling around the world long term.

+ Favorite pieces in your wardrobe?
A: I'm linked more to objects than clothing. My beloved treasures are some polaroids I kept from my last shoot with the lovely Paz de la Huerta, and Araki picture I have in my office, and a big painting I have from Christian Astuguevielle he did for my last movie. I love to collect objects connected to my experiences and memories.

P: I love sleep and to wear outside of the bed. :)

Thank you, Antonio and Pedro!
View the latest issue of Many of Them here.