Stylish Things   +  Art

Some Scenes From The Week...
Whattya say we do the past few days in numbers? Here goes...

  • 2 days of beautifying at incredibly chic buddy (and former Tiny Dallas cohort) Sunny's house.
  • 17 pieces of pottery now gracing Sunny's new travertine coffee table.
  • 1 massive, insanely pretty orchid plant scored at the grocery store.
  • 2 cocktails on a Friday afternoon to ring in the weekend.
  • 5 tamales at Sam's "house cooling" party on Saturday.
  • 3 sneaky fairies leaving treasures on my front porch.
  • 3 final episodes of House of Cards consumed like it was my job.
  • 4 rested (relatively speaking) ready for the week ahead.

Hope your weekend was splendid friends.