Stylish Things   +  trips

calder | prouvé | seguin | gagosian | paris
I'm slowly getting around to postingthings from ourLondon/Paris trip,and maybe I'll even get around to the Marfa pics beforethe end of the year!
These shot were taken at the "first view"of the fantastic show, "Calder | Prouvé"at the Galerie Patrick Seguin in collaboration withGagaosian Gallery Paris.Basically,Patrick supplied thefurniture and architecture,and Larry the sculpture.A lot of the Calder pieces were working maquettes for monumental works,and to see all the markings in Calder's hand on the pieces was fantastic.The furniture and spine of a Prouvédemountable house weren't bad either.There were two parts to the show,one at Seguin and one at Gagosian,we unfortunately only saw the "in-town" one since the trek to the second locationnever really fit into our schedule,I kind of regret it now...but you can't do everythingI guess....This I could have taken with me, so great.There were a lot of these beefy guys around,I thought it was a little over the top fora private event,but when it's not yours,and it's worth what it's worth,I guess I can understand the need,better safe than sorry.Lotta these dudes around too,buyer/collector/always on the phone types.The table had a black Bakelite top,soooo good.See the markings?There is Alex, it was so nice to get togo to all the events she got invited to, and even nicer that she drug this hillbilly around with her.I did get in a little "trouble" for taking so manypictures, but hey girl, that's my "job"! ;)I think that's Larry David to the left,and Annabelle Selldorf in the center.(kidding about Larry David!)This guy was INTO it!Breathe in that design!!!Oh, here is a better picture of the markings. Always loved this auditorium lecture chair,something very sexy about that back....ThanksGalerie Patrick Seguin&Gagaosian GalleryI'm already looking forward to next year's show....