Stylish Things   +  Performance Art

ant farm: sex, drugs, rock & roll, cars, dolphins, and architecture
Ben Holmes in a parachuteFreeport Beach, Texas1969
WOWAnt Farm!!!!I can't really say more than these photos express.True artist Super Freaks!LOVE THEM!!!!"Dream Cloud"during "AstroDaze"Freeport Beach, Texas1969"Poole House Remodel"San Francisco1974"House of the Century"Mojo Lake, Angleton, Texas1973"Spare Tire Inflatable"Freestone, California1970"Clean Air Pod"(Performance at lower Sproul Plaza, U.C. Berkeley)1970"50' x 50' Pillow"Point Reyes, California1970"50' x 50' Pillow"(For Whole Earth Catalog Sipplement)Saline Valley, California1969"50' x 50' Pillow"Freestone, California1970Ant FarmL to RDoug Michels. Chip Lord and Curtis Scheierat Ant Farm StudioPier 40San Francisco1973Participants in "Time Slice"Freeport Beach, Texas1969"Space Cowboy Meets Plastic Businessman"Alley TheaterHouston1969"Space Cowboy Meets Plastic Businessman"Alley TheaterHouston1969Ant FarmL to RCurtis Schreier, Chip Lord, Doug Michels with"Kohoutek: Doll House of the Future"1973"20:20 Living Room of the Future"(by Curtis Schreier)1973"House of the Century"(detail)(preliminary drawing by Doug Michels)1971Kohoutek Poster1974"House of the Century"Mojo Lake, Angleton, Texas1973"House of the Century"(Playboy Magazine Shoot)Mojo Lake, Angleton, Texas1973"DOLON EMB 2"(detail)(by Curtis Schreier)1975"Amarillo Art Center Poster"(detail)(by Doug Michels)1974/1981"Cadillac Ranch"Site-specific installationAmarillo, Texas1974L to RHudson Marquez, Doug Micheals, Chip LordDuring construction of "Cadillac Ranch"1974"Cadillac Ranch"Site-specific installationAmarillo, Texas1974"Media Matadors"(a.k.a. "Artist Dummies")on "Phantom Dream Car" during playing of National Anthem at"Media Burn"Cow Palace, san FranciscoJuly 4, 1975"Easy Money for Main Street"(detail)(by Doug Michels)1974"Media Burn"Cow Palace, san FranciscoJuly 4, 1975"Media Burn"Cow Palace, san FranciscoJuly 4, 1975PosterAnt Farm and T.R. Uthco"Who Killed Kennedy?"1975"Media Matadors"(a.k.a. "Artist Dummies")and "Artist-President"during playing of National Anthem at"Media Burn"Cow Palace, san FranciscoJuly 4, 1975"Artist-President"(center)With Secret Service Agents"Media Burn"Cow Palace, san FranciscoJuly 4, 1975"The Dolphin Embassy Viewed from Directly Astern"1977"Doug Michels explaining"The Dolphin Embassy"to a dolphin in a tankSurfers Paradise, Australia1977"House of the Century"Mojo Lake, Angleton, Texas1973"House of the Century"Mojo Lake, Angleton, Texas1973
Buy this if you likeAnt Farm.Amazing....