Stylish Things   +  New York City

moma has it wrong, and has for 72 years!
Ok, this has been bugging me for a LONG while,and now that I have a forum where 10 people will listen to what I have to say, rather than the one unlucky soul who happens to walk into the design department with me,I finally get to say my piece....
See those "ashtrays" above and below?
MoMA has been saying, since 1938, that there were designed by Paulo Venini.
Well, that's not correct.
The company Paulo Venini co-founded produced them,but they were designed by Carlo Scarpa.Actually this one is wrong too.... Scarpa book.... Page122And on the other side of the case?Another mistake.This one has only been going on for54 years...MoMA says these were designed by Paulo too.Nope,Gio Ponti designed this series.I'm not a fan of trusting what auction houses say a lot of the time,but Christie's got it right here,Gio Pontidesigned this vaseand the "tumblers"above.
Maybe if I wasn't such a big fan of bothGio Pontiand Carlo Scarpa,I could let it slide,but these are guys are icons, rock starsof the design world.They deserve credit where credit is due!
I'm sure there are mistakes in other departments too,but since my business is design,I'll stop here with my investigative reporting.
So, if you know anyone over at MoMA,in the department of Architecture and Design,tell them to break-out their label maker....
Whew!I feel so much better....
10/1/10UPDATE:Please see the comments for someexciting news!
AlsoI felt like myGio Pontievidence wasn't deep enough,so I added this: