Stylish Things   +  Art

I'm Into Old Art Lady Style (And Other Awesome Things Sopie Buhai Recently Said)...
image via into the gloss

I'm currently in the midst of a rather significant girl crush on Sophie Buhai... The former Vena Cava co-founder recently moved back to her home state of California where she's launched a killer line of sculptural jewelry, is selling a curated selection of artful objects, and is doing interiors projects. (She's a triple threat that one.)

Her aesthetic, at once minimal and warm, is utterly are several quotes I've come across in recent interviews (see: girl crush).

Herewith my faves courtesy of Ms. Buhai...

On old art lady style via into the gloss
"So I launched my collection, which I sell from my own website and also wholesale to specialty boutiques, like The Line, but also the Georgia O’Keefe Museum and the Cooper Hewitt because I’m into museum women. I’m into old art lady style. I hope Georgia would have worn my jewelry if she were still alive. Maybe if I was cool enough to cross paths with her."

This one hits particularly close to home, as "old art lady style," besides being a brilliant description, also happens to me my current sartorial jam (i.e. black tunic tops, chunky bracelets, long-line cardigans, et al.)image via vogueimage via Sophie Buhai

On the truth about California and creative evolution via vogue

"If you’re from California, it’s hard never to come back..."
"Designing clothes for ten years was amazing,” she says, “but what keeps life interesting is continuing to be challenged."

"image via closet visit

On smart shopping via closet visit

"Never buy anything full price. There is always a sale or something cooler hidden on the Internet. Great style comes from the hunt, rather then how much money you spend."
image via the line

On the work/life ideal via the line

"There’s no separation between life and work. It’s sort of blurred. That’s the ideal, if you love what you do."

Amen sister...