Stylish Things   +  scenes from the weekend

A Few Scenes From All The "Not Doing"
Millie's birthday doughnut tower (don't judge, it's hard to make a December birthday feel special)...Rock goodness from our New Year's Eve nature walk...Winter break reading material...Preparing for the Christmas Eve feastThe fungus among us

Yesterday was my first day back in the studio after nearly two weeks "off" (I use this word loosely, as I'm a bit of a work all the time type of gal. I may have had a dream about wallpaper last night. Just sayin'), and I tried with all my might to temper the urge to hit the ground running with some take a deep breath/appreciate the moment action. Think: putting my phone down and actually making conversation with my studio mates during lunch and a serious dance party/board game enterprise (not at the same time) with Bryan and the girlies after work.

It's all about the balance, yes? Trying (trying) to squeeze in some time to connect, play, and recharge amid the get 'er done. Sounds easy in theory ;-)