Let's be honest here. If I'm going to be good at my job, I have to get out of the studio. I have to explore and suss things out, seeing them first hand, touching, experiencing, marveling. And yet, dang it man; it's hard to pull away from the computer. And worse yet, when I do leave the electronic box-o-information, I tend to hit my usual haunts.
Sure there's the actual "computer work" that has to be done: the emails to answer, the research to do, the orders to place, the estimating and invoicing and just general doing. But then there's the rabbit hole — down, down, down (for hours on end) into the visual other world that is the Interwebs. (Pinterest I'm talking to you.)
So I'm proud to report that a series of otherwise unplanned events over the past week had me breaking the "chained to my computer" cycle. Friends, I got out. I went to galleries I'd never been to, off-the-beaten-path shops, nurseries previously unfrequented, antique stores, showrooms... I went to the Nasher twice (!). I saw, touched, ogled. It was a good thing.
So now I'm making it official, marking time on my calendar (thanks for the push Sam) for a weekly marvel date. I'll hit some of my favorite spots, throw a couple of newbies into the mix, and see what happens.