Stylish Things   +  travel

Hittin' The Road
Outtakes via my Instagram from a styling project I did for D Home this week...

This week was a wee bit nutty with a few big projects all coming to a head over the past few days (holy schlepping and hauling Batman), but the result was getting to collaborate with amazing friends and colleagues to create several pretty images and spaces. All in all, (way) more than worth the effort.

But I'm not gonna lie friends, I'm wiped out. Fried with a capital F. We're headed to the beach tomorrow, and the trip couldn't come at a better time. I don't even mind that we're driving 18 (!) hours to get there. (Remember when I said I was jonesin' for a good long road trip? Oy vey). Ok, maybe I mind just a smidge, but not unlike my past week at work, I'm thinking the journey will only make the spoils sweeter.

At least that's what I'm going with.