Stylish Things   +  Art

Some Scenes... From The Week
A giant sheepskin runner from Vieux that promptly came home with me.Some spoils from my sourcing adventures...Some for an install, some for me.I tried to actually take my own (ok, ok, and Camille Bidault-Waddington's) advice last week (imagine that) and extracted myself from the interwebs in order to do some live and in-person sourcing/sleuthing/inspiration gathering. I hit vintage shops, galleries, nurseries, you name it, in an attempt to get the creative juices flowing and, well, find cool stuff. And, no surprise, the adventure did not disappoint.

But wait, there's more... I also spent the better part of the weekend offline and engaging, wait for it, face-to-face — first on Saturday afternoon working out all of life's great mysteries with Achlee during a little Vieux-fix and then on Sunday during a completely blissful mother-daughter lunch date and book shopping excursion with Millie. I was totally present, no distractions, and it was good. Serious goodness in fact.

I might just try that again sometime. Watch out friends, I'm getting crazy.