Stylish Things   +  Art

Five Mother's Day-ish Things To Give (Or Get)

I love me some Mother's Day, friends, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, let's face it, for 364 days a year we mamas are housekeeper, short-order cook, nurse, counselor, cruise director, tutor, et al. So it's pretty great to have one day when your family serves you coffee in bed, gives you little homemade cards professing their undying devotion, takes you to brunch, and lets you lounge around all day reading magazines and watching Girls on the Netflix, yes?

Herewith the five things I'd be happy to receive alongside my cup--o-jo come Sunday:

1. The Glow: An Inspiring Guide to Stylish Motherhood: The immensely lovely website branches out to the non-virtual world with a gorgeous new tome. Want.

2. Beagle Agua De Perfume: I spritzed this on my arm the last time I was in Steven Alan (despite the doggy name), and it did not disappoint. It's billed as a scent "inspired by the voyages of the HMS Beagle with fragrances of floral and wood with hints of gunpowder and rum mellowed by the sweet masculine fragrance of mahogany and copper." Ummm...ok. All I know is it smells amaze.

3. Julie Cohn Bronze Dome Ring: I wear a stack of Julie's artful, sculptural rings every. single. day. But on more minimal days, I'd just wear this chunky beauty and let things roll.

4. Clare Vivier Cognac Messenger: Oh Clare, You can do no wrong. Never mind that I already have two of her messengers. This one is the perfect shade of tan, and it's lined. Done and done.

5. Michele Quan Thrown Bell: I'm a sucker for any and all pottery. Full stop. And Michele's bells are all Big Sur meets Helsinki ceramic goodness. I'd hang this in the thatch of bamboo outside our bedroom window and be happy every time I clamped eyes on it.