Stylish Things   +  Art

Some Scenes...From The Week
The past week was filled with preparations for a brass/gilded candy/tassel-tastic baby shower we installed on Saturday, exciting progress on several fun projects( i.e. that fetching wallpaper Audrey is lingering in front of above), and getting all the various bits of goodness pulled together for the Dwell With Dignity Thrift Studio vignette we're creating next week. So, yet again, the weekend was all about the recharge.

And as recharges go, it was a pretty good one. We eeked out a date night with our friends Sara and Todd on Friday wherein we partook in tacos and some Wes Anderson cinematic genius, made a family taco feast on Saturday night, and had our dear buddies Van and Tracy over for Sunday brunch where we served, wait for it...breakfast tacos.

Brass, tassels, wallpaper, Wes Anderson, gold-tinged chocolate, and tacos... I'm not complaining friends. Not one bit.