Stylish Things   +  scenes from the weekend

Some Scenes From The Weekend (Ch-Ch-Changes Edition)
A photo shoot at our casa this weekend was the catalyst for a little switch up action in the dining room and the guest room, as well as some serious zhushing everywhere else (aka the two week period wherein I became a completely crazy-town mom/wife who wouldn't let anyone touch anything.)

Good times.

But I'm going to go ahead and say that the pain was totally worth it (although I'm not sure my sweet family would agree), as every. single. time. I walk past the dark peppercorn goodness in my guest room or that Etched Arcadia mural currently gracing my dining room wall or the serious art wall action in our bar area, I get seriously giddy. And that's the whole point of prettying up your house, yes?

Just for fun, you can see some before snaps of the guest room here or here and peek at the dining room pre-mural here.