Stylish Things   +  travel

Some Scenes From The Weekend (A.K.A. The Hotel Saint Cecilia is My Happy Place Edition)
Sam blew it out with a surprise trip to Austin for our Swoon holiday party. She kidnapped us and our significant others Friday afternoon, showered us with little treats on the trek down, and then proceeded to thoroughly dazzle us for the next 24 hours (an overnight stay at the Saint Cecilia, perhaps the best meal I have ever eaten at Lenoir...).

Bryan and I have stayed at the Saint Cecilia once before, and it is, without a doubt, the coolest hotel I've ever encountered. But even better than the cool, it's also supremely comfortable, thoughtful, filled with character, and just, well, perfect.

Desperate to bring some of that cool, thoughtful, comfortable, character action back to my own humble abode, during my stay I tried to suss out Liz Lambert's tricks. Here's what stuck:

  1. Go Big or Go Home -- Color and accessories seem to go from meh to mind-blowing when you really commit. Your (my) wimpy accent wall is put to shame by the rich, glossy peacock blue saturating the walls, moldings, bookshelves, doors... (the whole enchilada) in the Saint Cecilia's office. Throw in some shots of tomato red, a killer light fixture, a couple of perfectly-worn Persian rugs, and maybe a taxidermy bird or two, and you'll pretty much have the chicest. room. ever.
  2. Splurge on Quality -- "Buy the best you can afford" is a ubiquitous adage, but, friends, 'tis true...big time. The fluffy pristine towels, crisp laundered sheets, heavy brass fixtures, bowl of big lumps of raw sugar with my coffee service, and carafe of cold water on my nightstand made me feel happy beyond words. Just a few simple, well-made, quality goods beat a house full of cheap crap every single time.
  3. Focus on the Details — People notice details. I promise. (Or at least they notice the lack of details). The beautiful handwritten personal welcome note in every room at the Saint Cecilia is a pretty rad touch, but the beautiful handwritten personal note I got in the mail two days after my return thanking me for staying at the hotel??! The tops.

Ms. Lambert, you are my hero.