Stylish Things   +  Art

Some Scenes...
Some deets on the pics: Allison V. Smith's photo and a few other moments at Suzanne Droese's office; killer window installation at Nest; Janet's casa; Wil at the office; Vaunte outtakes.

The weekend was action packed, starting on Friday with a girls' night involving two amazing friends, tasty cocktails at The Cedars Social, and The Head and The Heart at The Palladium. Cut to (a mildly hungover) Saturday when we assumed our normal weekend position (i.e. Nutcracker rehearsal, soccer games, mountains of laundry...).

On Sunday I partook in a fun project with Vaunte here at the house. Everything about the afternoon with the Vaunte team was a total pleasure, despite the fact that I had to be photographed (not my favorite thing) in three outfits that I love from my own closet. Friends, the pouring through my closet for said outfits was epic, leading to the sad realization that I really have no outfits that I love anymore. Post-Vaunte, I threw on my go-to jeans and black top — the very same one I've been wearing all weekend --- (see: sartorial crisis) and partook in a little family dinner action at Janet's lovely abode.

All good stuff, minus "Wardrobe Crisis 2013". I need to get on that situation, stat.