Some Scenes... From The WeekendAfter an especially busy couple of weeks getting the magazine off to press, the weekend was all about the girlies. We partied like rock stars friends, I'm not gonna lie. There was goofing around in the pool, a few freestyle races (Audrey smoked us), some chocolate chip cookie baking action, a Cake Boss marathon, and an afternoon of playing "school" and "baby," which, despite my general disdain for partaking in imaginary play, really wasn't so bad. In between the Mama-Daughter Fest 2013 activities, I squeezed in a girl date with my grown-up friends to celebrate the impending arrival of Sam's new bebe (wherein we partook in the world's most awesome pedicure (at this place) and a yummy dinner at Pakpao). Suffice to say, it was a v. good two days. Hope your weekend was equally splendid.xx