Jean Prouvé House at Design Miami BaselOk!Back in the saddle again!Sorry I have been so blog-o-lame-o,but with my i-Pad AND Airbookbeing stolen, I am a bit hindered while blogging from abroad!So, first-up from my trip to Switzerland for Design Miami/Baselis Patrick Seguin's showstopper of a booth,the complete Maison des Jours Meilleurs House!(Better Days House)It was designed in 1956and Le Corbusier called it "the most perfect object for living in"I agree Corb! It was like an object,and it sold like an object on opening night for an undisclosed sum,but I am guessing somewhere between 3.5-5.5 million Euro.(If anyone knows for sure please let me know.)So check out my semi-blurryiPhone shots(I never carry a "real" camera anymore....)to get a feel of this amazing little house.The house was completely set upin the new Herzog & de Meuron exhibition hall.
Here is a video of it being set-up in Paris.All the lighting was by Noguchi or Prouvé.The windows were like old-fashioned car windows,you just rolled them up or down!The center green "tube" would contain the bathroom with the kitchen behind it.It was left empty of this exhibition.Killer right?Look how it supports the roof.Nice furniture in there too!Loved this model.Sorry so blurry,but it was Moody McMoodlertonin the hall.Look for lots more this week on my trip toSwitzerland!