If you ever find yourself thinking all smug-like, "those Confetti System fringy trees and tassel garlands would be super easy to make...why would I ever buy them when I could just grab some rope, a few branches from my yard, and some tissue from the craft store and bust those bad boys out," well, don't. Friends, they are not easy. At all. Those Confetti System peeps are freakin' machines, what with their perfectly uniform tassels and expertly executed tassel hanging. Cutting perfectly uniform tassels is hard. Affixing said perfectly uniform tassels to a foraged tree branch? Also hard. In fact, the entire enterprise is hard.
Which leads me to the tequila...
After spending five hours Friday evening assembling my imitation Confetti System "fringy tree" for lovely cousin Erin's wedding shower this weekend, I needed a bit of a drink. Luckily, being Cinco de Mayo and all, tequila seemed to be flowing out of the woodworks. There was a neighborhood party flush with all manner of tequila-laden beverages, brunch at Tracy and Van's house (which was recently the benefactor of Sam's design prowess as seen in those last four photos above) featuring, yep, more tequila, and dinner with Kate and her lovely family to which she arrived with tequila (and all of the rest of the makings for Thai basil watermelon margaritas) in hand.
I'm guessing I don't have to explain the Advil...
p.s. Don't forget to comment on Friday's post for a chance to nab Julie's awesome Cup ring.