new york dadaInstallation view of the Armory Show: International Exhibition of Modern ArtNew York1913 Dang nab it!I ain't been posting worth a shit lately.Sorry about that.I've been busy, but everyone is busy,so what's the rub?I really think it is that damnInstacrack!So until I kick my habit,check me here and thereand I'll try to get better, or at least more prolific....Until thenpleaseenjoy my visual excerpts from the highly entertaining book"New York DaDa 1915-23".J.F. Griswald"The Rude Descending the Staircase"New York Evening SunMarch 20, 1913New York TribuneMarch 8, 1913Walter Conrad ArensbergSigned Passport Photo1928Louise Stevens ArensbergIn her New York apartment c. 1917-18Photo by Beatrice WoodThe Arensberg's apartmentNew York City1919Marcel DuchampVanity Fair Magazine1915Marcel DuchampNew York TribuneSeptember 12, 1915Robert Locher"Prudes Descending a Staircase"RougeMay 15. 1915Marcel Duchamp"Rongwrong"Cover1917Marcel DuchampStudio33 West 66th StreetNew York Cityc. 1918 & 1920This studio was in apartment 3FW,right behind the Arensberg's apartment,how convenient!Man Ray"Self Portrait"1916(Original artwork lost :( Man RayStudio on 8th StreetNew York Cityc. 1920Jean Crotti"Portrait of Marcel Duchamp:Sculpture Made to Measure)"1915(Original sculpture lost! :(((Jean Crotti"The Clown"1916Morton Livingston SchambergPhotograpgh of "God" by Schamberg and Baroness Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven1917Morton Livingston Schamberg"Self-Portrait"c. 1915Joseph StellaPhoto by Man Rayc. 1920Jo looks like my type of guy!Florine Stettheimer"Portrait of Marcel Duchamp"1923The BlindmanCoverno. 1April 10, 1917Beatrice Wood"A Little Water in Some Soap"1917/1977ReplicaThe BlindmanCoverno. 2May, 1917The Blindmanno. 2Marcel Duchamp, Beatrice Wood, Louise NortonMay, 1917Invitation Card for "The Blindman's Ball1917MaRGERY REX"'Dada' Will Get You if You Don't Watch Out;It Is on the Way Here"New York Evening JournalJanuary 29, 1921Richard Boix"DA-DA (New York Dada Group"1921Man RayROSE(backwards)ROSE SEL A VIE""Rayograph"1922Marcel Duchamp"Belle Haleine, Eau de Voilette"Perfume Bottle1921