dame edna is "bizarre"....I've been doin' more diggin' in my North Carolina library,and came across this little oddity.The most bizarre aspect of this book,is not its title,but its author,or as he more accurately describes himself,"compiler", Barry Humphries,aka Dame Edna!Really? Yes really. Barry is obviously a very talented man,a gorgeous woman,but also a serious connoisseur of freak.And y'all know how much I love freaks,so there wasn't much not to like about"BIZaRRE".All the material compiled by Barry was taken froma publication byJean-Jacques Pauvertalso called "Bizarre".But not this"Bizarre"that I posted about a while back....Confused?I know I am,so let's look at some weird, I mean BIZaRREimages....The book was designed byBruce Robertson.I couldn't find out much on Bruce...."Zipper Dick"(my title)No credit for this image....Roland Topor"Skull Dick"(my title)These great photomontagesare byMichael Kellaway.The last one is titled"Chlorotic X-Ray"Not sure what is going on here,or who created this image,or where it originally came from.But I like it.Ain't that the truth.This is by someone called Margat.MargatOlivieriI can understand why Barry was drawn to this.Credit for this image is:"from American Comic""Bums"(my title)no creditAvilino PerezAccording to the book: Avilino was "a Cubanwhose eyes protruded so far they looked artificial.Living metaphor 'his eyes started out of his head'"Eng and Chang BunkerThe original "Siamese Twins"1811-1874Francesco LentiniHe had his 3rd leg(Not that third leg! In Franco's case that would be his 4th leg....) successfully removed in 1950.His Scottish family had hidden him until then.He was a watch repairman.I had a one-armed watch repairman inFlorida. No shit.He was also the lead singer in a reggae band.Wonder what happened to him.... This also kinda reminds me of this stool:Kurt Seligmann's "Ultra-Furniture"1938Film still from "Freaks" Tod Browning's 1932 film. This is a "family portrait" with Mr. Browning in the middle, just in case you were wondering.Sophia LorenEscher?Clovis Trouille"Les Heureuses"Naughty Nuns.Shame on y'all!This reminds me of "Dark Habits" by Pedro Almodóvar.This must be a film still,and I must find out what film and watch it.Lionel"Dog Man"Looks like the inspiration for...Chewie!!!Barry Humphries,the man himself, around 1965.This is the back cover,graced, as the front cover is, by a loungingLionel, aka "Dog Man" This kinda reminds me of this:Burt, what a stud....