tom sachs space program marsI finally got toTom Sachs'"Space Program Mars"on Friday, and boy oh boy was it a treat!Obsessive compulsive DYI craftsmanshipat it's nuttiest!I am a HUGE fan of Tom's and thisshow did not disappoint.I would say go see it,but it closed today.:(Good advice....Monochrome plywood and drywall screw NASA emblem.The LEM!(Lunar Excursion Module)LEM detail.This is all made of plywood, foam core and steel.Skateboards were how all the crew got around the Armory.Mars rock.Man did I want to sneak this out....What's that?A futuristic Mars cinder block of course.The show filled the Uptown Armory.Mission Control CenterThe back of Mission Control,totally amazing!These speaks were HUGEand KILLER,and sounded amazing in the space.They were playing hip hop when I was there.Mobile Quarantine FacilityThis is where the astronauts suit-up,suit-off, and relax.The Mars Rover I believe....Not sure what this was but it was super cool....ToolsThis is the HNDS,the Hot Nuts Delivery System.Crazy!Custom chairs for the crowds to watch lift-off and landing.It was dead when I was there, but it was perfect.The Space SuitsThe wacky craftsmanship is kinda unbelievable.This is the Darth Vader Mini-Bud Fridge.Exercise equipment for the Crew.The names of all the pieces were hilarious!The LEM is HUGE!Inside of a scale model of the LEM.The details are fantastic.... For more MONDOBLOGO postson Tom SachsgoHEREHERE&HERETom's BlogHERE