my upstate studio visit weekend.....I headed Upstatethis weekend to do a studio visit foran upcoming Mondo show withmy very dear friend Jim and his partner in crime Sara.I planned to stay for less than 24 hours,only bringing a toothbrush,yet ended up staying for over 48 hours,forced home only by obligations and sold-out trains....This is a huge post,so I will keep the descriptions short and sweet....The train was SO slow.Not sure why, but the speed or lack there of,had the "regulars"yacking into their cell phones like itwas the end of the world.I was into it....In a car headed to dinner.The trees up there had just "burst"and all the leaves were this amazing yellow green color,almost like a reverse fall....Crazy plumbing in the super yummy restaurant where we ate.I had to lean up against the bathroom door to get thisblurry shot... the door opened,and well, the old dudewaiting to piss thought I was a freak.He was right....Home for the next 18, 24, 36, 48 hours....Top of the fridge vanitas.... Yep, I'm "home"....Some CrAzY Scotch after dinner.Nice table right?Big Mike!!!So good to see him after, shit, 2 years???He was off to Geneva the next day to write about Breitling watches.Some would say he has the best job in the world...."My" painting by Michael Jefferson of Chicago.Next morning I am up early and greeted by the lovely ladies fromGio Ponti's mind.(His little mind.)Cool giant hook.I guessed it was used for logging?19th century lathing in the entry.The house dates to 1830 I believe.Getting going.... I'm not used to getting up so early,but that is county living....Proto-Modern furnishings.Hungarian ceramic birds and one of Jim's paintings.Crazy beautiful and dangerous1830s staircase not meant forbig people like me....This was Jim's homemade all organic cure for the above seen Scotches.Worked like a charm!Almost time to head to the studio.....Interior of 'The Little Red House"with a new sculpture and painting by Jim.LRH detail....Kountry Klassical(and another enviable Michael Jefferson painting.)In the studio now.....Prepping for a big show at Mondoin June....Beautiful new work and such a beautiful studio.....Love this little guy!The painting ain't bad either....This was gift years and year ago from me to Jim.Only recently did I find out that he was using "art" as an art supply!Better than just sitting on a shelf I guess!Studio details....Outside the studio.Painting details....Jim loves Windsor chairs....Floor sculpture.Retired wheelbarrow.....Beautiful stream out back.We are gonna dam this up a bit and make a plunge pool!The outside of "LRH"Upstairs detail at "LRH".A friend's bathroom in Hudson.ArtWords of advice that came too late for Charlie....F.C. face....Plywood artist....Love the bottom half,hate the top half....SOOOO bad it is good....Soooo GOOD it is "BAD"!Go Ro/Lu go!!!Can't wait to see y'all this week!Some of Jim's furniture.Jim's kicks for the nite circa 1993.Kountry KompositionJim's half brother Toby and his truck.Time to party "downtown"....Cool neon sign....and invitation to "party"!!!Bubblewrap bag back at "home".Next morning....Michael Jefferson sculpture detail.LRH interior.Beautiful piece of pottery.LRH blurry interior.1830's top hat.Rod Parrish????Sign in a bookstore.....So good....Thanks for spotting that Jim!ContrastsNice solution in an antique mall.Not for sale... too bad....Richard Meier knockoff.Still SUPER cool.Time to head back to NYC.:(If this wasn't such a huge week forMondo and design in the city,there was no way I would have come back.Nice up there with them there "hillbillies"....