more frieze new york cityLynda Benglis My buddy Skot and I headed backout to Randall's Islandyesterdayfor some more art.Once again, I am going to show youmy Instagram pics,so for those of you that followme,sorry for the overlap....Louise BourgeoisSarah BramanJim LambieMartin BoyceRichie Rich PrinceLouise BourgeoisHaroon MirzaJohn BaldessariGuy LimoneThomas HirschhornGert and Uwe TobiasFred Tomaselli Crack Shoe Tree(I forget the artist....)LOVED it though....Tomma AbtsDeutsche Bank VIP DenVIB(Very Important Butterfly)FreebiesMelted Bucky Ball on Speed(Forgot the artist again....)Michelin Man Beehives(I.F.T.A.A.....)Time to head back to the ferry.BMW chooched us on the free ride back.Bastards!SkotMekRaZy ferry lines!We just made it on to the last one....Art? Not Arte?Definitely Art