Stylish Things   +  Mondoblogo is Two

mondoblogo is 2 !!!!
Where does the time go?Down the toilet?Out the door?Into space?Under your bed in that weird dirty jar?Who knows!All I know is that I can believe it has been 2 years since I started blogging aboutwhatever I seem to babble on and on and on about.
Here are some stats from the last 2 years:
700 posts
(I didn't get a in a post a day like last year,but not so bad....)
9024 photos
(Each one edited!)
Viewers from 6 continents, 163 countries and9079 cities(I'm still waiting on a visit fromAntarctica....)
505,439 pageviews260,773 visitsand of those,121,525 were unique.
I know these statsare not much in the scope of theinternets,but it kinda blows me away thatpeople are into checkin'Mondoblogo out so regularly.And for that,I thank each and every one of yousilly little freaks!So hats off to you!Thanks!!!!I could not do it without your enthusiasm and support.You kids rock....