Stylish Things   +  London 2011

frieze edition: "art / not art"
Ok, it's time for another edition ofArt? / Not Art?Let's see how y'all do this time,answers at the bottom, and no cheating!BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
Well how do you think you did?Please let me know in the comments section!Here are the answers:
A- Art. Elmgreen & DragsetB- Sign: Art. Fire extinguishers: Not artC- Art. Mike Nelson at Gallery Franco Noero, TurinD- Art. Jason Dodge also at Franco Noero, TurinE- Art. Richard Hughes at The Modern Institute, GlasgowF- Art. Gregor Schneider at Konrad Fischer Galerie DüsseldorfG- Art. Sofia Hultén at Konrad Fischer Galerie DüsseldorfH- Art. Claire Fontaine at Regina London & MoscowI- Not Art. Trash binJ- Art. Darren BaderK- Art. Ugo RondinoneL- Art. Unknown artist at Annet Gelink Gallery AmsterdamM- Art. Valentin CarronN- Art. Christian Jankowski at Riva/CRN Ferretti Group, Forli(More on Christian and his yacht project later....)O- Not Art. Messy dealers at IBID Projects. LondonP- Art. Unknown Paris gallery I think....Q- Not Art. Wall installer's plumb line.R- Art. Daniel SeniseS- Not art. Private room key.T- Not art. Party remnants.U- Art. Performance for Frieze Projects.V- Art. James Lee Byars
Well, I hope you had fun!I know I did.
You can try your luck again
HERE.Please let me know if there are any mistakes or if anyone knows the couple of artistsand galleries I forgot to record.Thanksand see you back in NYC!