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moma / lamps / heifetz / modern / interiors magazines
Well the new Modern Magazineis about to come outand it is a fantastic issue,their best yet.Killer cover too,but I am partial to Heifetz lighting.(See an OLD post here....)Anyway, I'm not going to post the new Heifetz article,that wouldn't be cool,but I will do something even MORE uncool, well, uncool to those dealers out there(you know who you are)that don't want anyone else to know shit about anything cool.Those days are over my friends, so turn off your beepers,get up from your PC,get back in your 1979 Ford Econoline Vanand go out there and score!I never found one of these.It might be the rarest,although not my favorite by a long shot.The idea trumps the usefulness.I've never even seen the Ingolia lamp in person,I could have bought several of theCrate lamps, but never did.They aren't as rare as you would think.There are copies and re-issues too.We have a Watrous at home,again, be careful with these, some (most) are Frankensteins.Never had the Zweinen lamp, but no great loss.I've had the Geller lamp twice,wish I had kept one....Looking at the Schatz lamp now at my desk.Had several of the Geis lamps,again, be careful, there were some very nicecopies made of those just long enough ago that they now look "vintage".I LOVE the Gage lamp. I've had a few, but they all had some sort of problem.If I was going to go after a lamp now,that would be it.Never seen the Alexey Brodovitch lamp,great idea though.This is the cover to look for.Interiors MagazineApril 1951
Why hasn't the Taschen / Fiell crew reprinted the run of old Interiors like they did withThe Decorative Arts catalogs,Domus and Arts and Architecture?It should be done, and let me know if you wanna do it people, I gotz them all....