Stylish Things   +  Upstate

upstate rug
My amazing friends Mark and Dwaynehad a 60/10 party this weekend.60 years for Mark on this earth,and 10 for their years together.Mark needed a rug
for the band that was going to be playing,and wasn't going to be satisfiedwith just a plain old ugly rug,so he "commissioned" me to make a spray painted onea la Gene Davis....You can see as my sunburn got worse and worse,the lines got thinner and thinner,but I liked the fade effect.Pre-sunburn sidePost-sunburn sideShadow meThe Marty Jimmons Bluegrass Band!They were AWESOME!Some of the best Bluegrass I have heardnorth of the Mason-Dixon.The party was so much fun, but this was one of the highlights for me.I will be posting more on the party weekend soon,but will be traveling tomorrow, so I mightbe a bit slow....