Stylish Things   +  work

mountain chaise bordelaise
Today my dad and I decided to complete a projectthat we were supposed to do Christmas before last.(We got rained out for the second day in a row for bass fishing.)I had seen thispostby g.oand decided that I had to make one/someof theseand the only place I could do that was in NC, since I do not have a wood shop and old wood lyingaround in NYC.So we took the scraps above,followed some vagueinstructions from here,and got to work....Part by part, it started to come together.Rather quickly we had this....And then a chair was born....We made a few modifications, such as the beershelf in the back.Pops tests it out.Hauling it back to the house to show the girls.(My dad built the "barn" in the back himself.)Here are the beauty shots....We added a 3rd slat in the back for comfort.(I think it looks better too,but it does get away from the 3 sizes of wood concept.)It kinda looks like Rietveld and Prouvéhad a country baby.I think the beer shelf is a nice touch....This wood is all left over siding from my parents house.Lookin' good!
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