the modernist's summitMy friend Michael and I headed Upstateto Hudson for the 1st annual"Modernist's Summit"in Hudson, New Yorkhosted by my friend Mark.Nice desk huh?Flea market find.Eames HospitalLineup of Leza McVeys.Mark's VERY excited about his new find....OH MY!My purchase. A Leo Amino I have always loved....Mark and Stuyvesant wave hi in front of Mark's downtown compound.Michael in the backyard of Mark and Dwayne'shome in the woods.Chillin'Modernist bench the next day.I have no idea what this says,but found it odd in "downtown" Hudson.All the antique stores were closed,(nice planning)so we just got to window shop.Poor Kitties....This guy was the Valedictorian for sure.Scary coffee shoppee interior.Even scarier....Time for a tattoo!I got a piece of Auböck on my wrist.Mark got a Maija Grotell on his thigh,and Michael got a Rietveld chair on his butt,but he wouldn't tell us which one....Modernist Dinersoon to be a "fancy" restaurant.Modernist bench in train station on the way up.I love the concrete "cushions".Semi-modernist bench in Hudson.Proto-Modernist Barn HouseCountry Modernist bench at the train station.Time to head back to NYC....Until next year....