Stylish Things   +  sculpture

who the hell is raoul hague?
I don't know!But this is his house.See the squirrel and bird figurines?I like him already!I still don't know who the hell he is,but his house is starting to get interesting.Oh, hello Mr. Hague.Call you Raoul?Ok.What's up with the shaving mirrorson the eave Raoul?For the birds to amuse themselves?That's great!Damn Raoul,you build this yourself?Appears you did,and I mean that in a good way....Hum, you move a lot of big logs Raoul?I see you have a peavey in your studio.Cup of tea?Yes please....What's upstairs Raoul?Your sleeping loft? Can we see that?Later? Ok...Nice stove btw.Raoul, is that a disco ball above your dining table???It is! Would I like you to turn it on?Of course!Yes, I do like your daybed in the music room.You bound that encyclopedia yourself?You are so clever.I love your studio.What do you make in here?DAMN Mr. Hauge!That's quite a large piece of wood!It's a sculpture you are working on?I really like it, can I see more?Oh my gosh!Raoul, these are BEAUTIFUL!Really, they are very special. Have I heard of William Zorach?Of course.He must have been quite a teacher.John Flannagan?Oh yes, I admire his work also.He found you this place?He must be a special friend.Who are these people?You have such a nice family.Ah, finally, the sleeping loft.What is that thing to the right?A pivoting lectern you made? That must be great for reading late at night.You are a very clever man Mr Hague...Raoul Hague1904-1993