Stylish Things   +  ICFF

icff 2011, the good, the bad and the ugly
Well,it's that time of the year again.NYC Furniture Fest 2011,filled with the good the bad and the ugly.The chair above satisfies two of those criteria....In case you were wondering. This table was great.Designed by a Swiss architect...but I can't remember his name for the life of me right now....Really nicely constructed too,here in the goode olde US of A.Look how EXCITED that kid isto see the child's toilet seat demo!!!I guess this is for the "Jackass" crowd....I always liked this "Eiffel"stool by Shigeki Fujishiro.First in fiberboard and now inshiny chrome.It works.Does this stool have a chubby for me or what?Lots of carbon fiber crap at the show.Slick, bug-like and 99.9% BAD....Would look perfect in your Miami condo Brad....Here I am taking a break.Is that a camera in your lap Poppieor are you just happy to see me???It certainly does.Marcel Wander's bald spot.Just kidding Marcel,I'm just jealous,you were looking suave as hell.King of ICFF,for the second year in a row,TOM DIXON.He was giving out these goofy international orangevinyl bags that everyone was coveting.They were pretty goofy,but I did go back by his booth about 10 times to try to get one....I forgot to get a shot,but here is one from Milano:See what I mean?Love/HateMostly hate.I really liked this floor lamp in his booth.Noguchi's Akari meets King MidasLeave it to Philippe Starckto have the most pretentious piece in the show.(And at ICFF, that is saying A LOT!)Seriously,look at it,for Baccarat too.Puur-fect...Lichterloh cabinetfrom the Austrian Pavillion.There is always something fun in their State sponsored booth,and everyone always seems like they are slightly tipsyand having a blast.I like that.What the hell is this vintage KEM Weber chair doing at ICFF? The new "Airline Chair".At least they didn't just copy it....Speaking of copying...This was in some old dudes booth fullof NOTHING you would want to copy. This is a one liner, but I really liked it!The "Rubber Table" by Thomas SchnurHe's looking for a producer.It was in the German Pavilion. My old college roommate Peter Sandback was backwith amazing new work.LOVED this table.It reminded me of Joseph Albers getting it on with Ruhlmann....Ok,time for Worst booth / Best booth.Mr. Top Hat above gets the award for the worst booth.Sorry Dude, I know you tried and busted your ass with these pieces,but for so many reasons you illustrate what I hate in contemporary furniture design.Best Booth,Wang, Jinsheng's StudioI can't explain fully why this worked so well.Brain said he should have been at Art Basel not ICFF.I know it kinda looks goofy,but it wasn't. It rocked.(No pun intended.)Until next year....