the hotties of gie class of 1971Bruce NaumanClass Stud I was looking through the mylar covered(calm down g.o)Guggenheim International Exhibition of 1971and was thinking that some of the artist portraits looked like they belonged more in a high school yearbookthan in a serious international art exhibition catalog.But that's why I liked it so much.Everyone is young and cute and for the most part looks happyand enthusiastic,not brooding and moody like I envisioned a lot of these artists to look like at that time.Lawrence WeinerSensitive Poet GuyYeah, he does look moody, but those doe eyes?You got me right where you want me Larry....Jiro TakamatsuInternational Exchange StudentRichard SerraClass Jock/BullyThis is about as "happy" as you willever see Sir Richard look.He is my neighbor and he alwayslooks like he is about to kick your ass,and he could. Robert RymanStaffBiology teacher, girls track coach, serving 5-10.Robert MorrisIn a band. You never see him in class.But he always makes A'sand all the teachers love him.Joseph KosuthDrives a "Beemer",fucked your girlfriend, and you still like the jackass.Very "Breakfast Club" of you Joe.Donald JuddShop Class StudI never find Don that sexy, but that shiny stack behind him?Wet for that thang Donny....Dan FlavinStaffDon't you love that the King of Florescentlooks like your high school science teacher?Hanne DarbovenEuropean Rebel Girl.Her dad is a chemist at the town plastics factoryand she dares to smoke in the cafeteria.The only chick here(big surprise, it was 1971)but she represents very well.Jan DibbetsClass ClownThere is always a joker in the class.Terry Richardson would be proudof this pose.Antonio DiasDruggyNot sure what Mr Dias is up to here,but it appears to be drug related.Walter De MariaThe Popular Super Nerd Always had the best weed,and a girlfriend that was way too hot for him. Toke it up Garfunkel!