new orleans travel logblog....We all headed down to New Orleansfor my Dad's 70th birthday.We are all so busy we didn't get down there until his 71st!I forgot NO hadsome tall buildings.Neon tower.Becca was the star picture taker of the trip,armed with just and iPhone.Where are my shots Bec?Everything is so flat.Bad for flooding.I love the architecturedown here.The weather was PERFECT.This building is beautiful.I also love all the palm treesdown there.PrettySomeone asked if I had posed for this.Actually I did.I lived in New Orleans for a year,while I went to Tulane.I liked these.And this huge tower.Steam powerUFO powerParis powerMusic dudeStreet weirdnessMardi Grashad just ended,but the partying had not.This place was so olde skool.Oldest bar in the USA.Weirest nephew in the USA.Napoleon HouseTribute to a waiterYummy King Cake!Sir, there is a baby in my cake.The South willrise again!Not sure what was happening here.Architectural details....Kinda looks like a hurricane....Lots of bad art on Royal Street.Graffiti faceMurdered outThis poor homeless girl hadlost her shoe laces.Architectural detailsMore fried food!This place has not been touchedin over 80 years.Casamento's rulesArchitectural detailsBead TreeGreat street names down there.Parrot Nest!Faded front porchMaybe it's time to move back?Everything is just a bitoff in New Orleans.Monica's just about has all you need.StreetscapeHot Laundry NowWorld's Weirdest NieceWorld's weirdest bar.YepGreat bathroom windowSlick RideMagazine StreetOur hotel,The Roosevelt.Mural in the Sazarac RoomHalf a houseIt's noSexiest Parking Garage ever,but not bad!Mardi WeirdAlways a line....Best use of $1.25 ever.Stumbled upon this place on Oak Street.Delicious!Time to head home,the party is over....