auction madness in bruxellesThe good folks in Brussels are nutz.That's why I love them.Almost as chic as the French andtwice as nice to strangers.(They make a mean steak too.)Pierre Berge & Ass.are serving upan amazing mix of weirdnessagain for their"Shabby Chic 3"auction on March 28th.(I hate the name, something is definitely lost in translation.I would have called it"Pierre's Wunderkammer"but hey, that's just me.)If taxidermy freaks you out,TURN BACK NOW!This is just a brief selection of my favoritesfrom the the 660 lotsof really bizarre stuff.Enjoy!ALSO:Sorry for the 4 days of nothing.I was in New Orleans for my Dad's 71st birthday celebration, and between family,kids, and dinner reservations at 6:30,I was too wiped to post.Only having my iPad didn't help either,posting from that on Blogger isa real pain in da butt....So sorry,I promise hoppin' this week!More Here