Stylish Things   +  weirdos

from the sublime to the ridiculous: mondo albion
I'm really not sure what I have found here... other than a TRUE SUPERFREAK.You know how much I love freaks.So I found the above image on ebay while looking for vintage mobiles.A mobile, an attractive topless woman,and a bearded weirdo,kinda like winning the ebay lottery for me.So I tried to find more onDominico Albion....I found this image next.Not bad...for many, many reasons....It appearars that Dominico Albionis a fashion designer/artist/shoemaker/perv/freakfrom Florence Italyand is the proprietor ofMONDO ALBION.I mean this was meant to be right?I'm still diggin' for information on him,but I figured if I didn't post this right NOW,I never would.If anyone knows more about Mr. Albion,please let me know, I am especially interested in hismobile hats and fashions.Oh yeah, and there are a TON ofYou Tube videos,here are a few,I don't speak Italian so I have NO ideawhat is going on, all I know is that I like it....