Stylish Things   +  contemporary furniture

what happens when artists design furniture?
Paula Sweet"Table with Water and Fish"1981
Well,shit happens when artists design furniture,sometimes good, some times bad.Sometimes so bad it is good!I'm just going to focus on the first and last examples,because we have all seen enough bad artist furniture....Steven de Staebler"Valentine Throne"Stoneware, low fired clay1974I like this,but come on, the stupid heart on the front?Lose it Steven!Robert Wilson"Side Chair"1982Not you best work Roberto,maybe your worst....Masayuki Oda"Bench"1982This thing is very David Lynch no?Guy de CointetSet for "De Toute les Couleurs"1982I have no idea who "Gee" is, but I like him verymuch.Guy de CointetSet for "De Toute les Couleurs"1982More Guy, more power....Peter Shire"Henry"1982Peter Shire is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.Jame Hong"Karnak"1979More please....Anyone who showed at Art et Industryin NYCwas sooo good.(Well, for the most part.)Scott Burton"Storage Cubes 1"1979-80We have seen this before, but not in color.Hum....I like the his stone and concrete work much better....John Chamberlain"Thordis's Barge"1980-81So nice you get to see it twice.Claes Oldenburg"Room"(detail)1964I need to find this in color! Too good and soright now.You loose a little of the mystery with the color pics,but still nice....Lucas Samaras"Chair Transformation #12"1969Jesus, the decoration looks like one of's Google map "paintings"....Here it is in color:Thanks Whitney!Joel Shapiro"Untitled"1973-74I've decided to change my name toGiuseppe Panza di Biumo.He owns/owned the wee iron chair.He's dead now though.RIP GPdB!One word:POWER!Robert Morris"The Hearing"1972Robert Morris always scares me a bit.Always seems like a spontaneous bout of fisting is about to break-outand no one is going to be ready except for Robert.Geeze, maybe my fears aren't so unfounded.....I love his felt work though.That would be a good post....Salvador Dali"Mae West's Lips Sofa"1936Our olde friendEdward James owned this.El Lissitzky"Armchair"1930Sorry for the shitty picture.But a Lucite chair by E.L.?Gotta include that!Aleksandr Rodchenko"Workers' Club Presentation"l'Exposition des Arts DécoratifsParis1925(Matt, I tried to include a link to your post on A.R. but Terapad was down...AGAIN!)
It's working again, finally.Great link on the above byRO/LUhere.Salvador Dali"Venus de Milo with Drawers"1936The drawer in the knee is the best!Isamu Noguchi"Bench"Two Town CenterCosta Mesa 1980Not bad.Richard Artschwager"Chair and Table"1980I am a fan.Richard Artschwager"Bookcase lll"1981Very nice.(Matt O, wink wink, nudge nudge....)Richard Artschwager"Chair"1963Formica chair? 1963? Nice.Haim Steinbacheat your heart out and please, update your website....Wendell Castle"Table with Cloth"1980Yawn....Colette(a.k.a. Justine)"My House"1980This is more like it!Can you see the oversized baby on the left under the lamp?Creepy crazy sexy.Yes, sexy.Not the baby, the room....Guy de Cointet"Preparation Armchair"1981Get it? "GEE"! U R SOFUNNEE!!!(This is from the collection of Rene Ricard. That's pretty cool.Wonder if he still has it?)All of this funwas provided byDenise Domergue(pictured, and may I say, she was/is(?) quite the looker.)in her book from 1984"Artists Design Furniture"Buy your copy now,used starting at $3.61!Such a deal!!!