toys of the avant-gardeOk,before I even start talking about thisamazing exhibition catalog I bought today, I just want to say, that themarionette puppet above,maybe the coolest thing I have seen in a LONG time.Pablo Picasso"Horse"1960 These images are from the exhibition"Toys of the Avant-Garde".It is on view at the Museo Picasso Malaga.I saw that greg.orgposted about it on daddytypes,and a few people have posted things they got off the web,but I appear to be the first to shoot directly from the catalog,(my specialty I guess)which is so, so good.The catalog, not me,I am only so so these days...."Ninth Gift by Friedrich Fröbel:Coloured Rods and Large Tesserae"19th centuryThis is my kinda toy."Reconstruction of Cut-outs for Noah's Ark"Madrid1932These are so great.I wish I could make my pictures bigger!I need someone to rewrite this Blogger HTML for me....Otto Morach"La boite a joujoux: Pierrot"1918Otto Morach"La boite a joujoux: Harlequin"1918Otto Morach"La boite a joujoux: The Blue Doll"1918Sophie Taeuber-Arp"Deramo"1918In my fantasy world, this guy owns the creature I love so much:And let's just say he ain't using it for planting daisys....Alma Siedhoff-Busher"Two Wooden Dolls"1924These make me want to move to Sweden and become a lesbian.And I mean that in the BEST possible way.Paul Klee"Untitled"(Big Eared Clown)1925This guy, this guy I would listen to.Paul Klee"Untitled"(Electric Spook)1923 This cat, not so much.Hanna Höch"DaDa Dolls"1916These are SO much cooler than Tim Burton.I hate Tim Burton.There, I said it. Now the whole world can hate me.DON'T get me started on him,OR his "show" at MoMA.Unknown Artist(Vienna Workshops)"Box with Puppets"1920I don't think you can see it in this pic so well,but some kid scribbled all over the skulls head.That kid was probably Tim Burton.Idiot.Minka Podhajska"Series of Personifications of Childhood Misdeeds"1930These are my kinda peeps!Minka Podhajska"Series of Personifications of Childhood Misdeeds"1930Nara? Minka's great-grandaughter called and wants acommission....Minka Podhajska"Set of Small Money Boxes"1930Time to make a deposit at theCubist Kitty Animal City BankHermann Finsterlin"Eight Assembled Objects"1914These look like Willy Wonka made them.Everlasting Gobstoppers right?I love me some Willy!"The Hesitant Car"ndAre you kidding me?That is the name of this toy?SO great.Hermann Finsterlin"Set of Styles. Nine Basic Architechtures"1922These are cool.I want to go back in time and be the lucky little rich kid who got these....Alma Siedhoff-Busher"Ball Games"1924I could use a set of these.Bruno Taut"Dandanah. The Fairy Place"1919Very glam, Bruno, soo glam....Lyonel Feininger"Toy Town"1925My mom would go nuts for these.She has a huge collection of what she calls her "houses".I should shoot those sometime....Unknown Artist"Sky-High Building Blocks"1920sThis looks like something Mr. Anal Retentive would build.(Me)Luigi Veronesi"Princess and Ballerina"Puppets for "The Soldier's Tale"by Igor Stravinsky1942I want to go back in time yet again and hang with Luigiafter a couple of doppios.These are great, and he must have been too.Luigi Veronesi"Devils"Puppets for "The Soldier's Tale"by Igor Stravinsky1942Lucite cone leg cover? Really? You are FREAKING ME OUT Luigi!Ladisla Sutnar"Steamroller"1927Back to basics.Joaquin Torres-Garcia"Figure"1930This is the dude that would be driving the above steamroller in my world.Lyonel Feininger"Untitled" (Four Figures and a Cat)Characters from"The Kin-der-Kids and Wee Willie Winkie's"1944Lyonel is back again with these Krazy Kats! That Kat is pissed too.Pablo Picasso"Figure"1935There was sooooomuch more cool stuff in here!I am jealous of anyone who saw this show!It's headed to theMUVIMin the Spring.Time for a road trip!