the new apartamesso is out!"House of the Future" module in a dump in Kuwait.SAY WHAT??? So Issue #06 is out on some select stands here in in NYC.(I got mine at Spoonbill in Williamsburg.)You Euro Peeps get them WAY before we do.Weird too,you would think they would just throw them on a plane,and there you go.But for some reason that's not the way the international magazine distibution network works.The guy at the magazine store tried to explain it to me when I was looking for the last issue,but I don't think he really understood the "system" either.I don't think there is a system,and that's the problem.... Anyway, here are my favorite "messes"from the current issue of Apartamesso,I meanApartamento #06....Leon Ransmeir's Padon a NYC rooftop.Hummm,this is a nice "mess"...Marie-Louis De Geer circa 1966.Speaking of hot messes...Paz de la Huerta's pad is in here.She looks soooo familiar to me........Carl Johan De GeerFreaking-out among his mess....(That's his wife from earlier, Marie-Louis.)Marie-Louis De Geer again,circa 1967.Carl Johan De Geer's kitchencirca 1975.You gotta love a girl who takes a bath in the sink.Unidentified messy bather.Chateau de Nouïs mess.Messy MobileMr. Calder would have loved this.He was quite messy too!One person's "mess"is another person's neat freak fantasy....This is Tomi Ungerer's place.Only Apartamento could give a picture of dirty dishes a full page spread.(And have it look good.)This is Felisa Pinto's home.This is for Jess.She'll love this shot.This is from an unidentified "feral" girl's studio.(Maybe I should have known who she was???)This is for Bunnyif she is looking.It is from an AMAZING hut/houseon the Island of Calvary.It's worth the price of the magazine just to see this place.(Apartamento is now 19.95, was 22.00, hey, every little bit helps....)My kinda mess.Leopoldo Pomés bedroom.Gosha Rubchinskiy's studied and fashionable Moscow Mess.American White Trashis really hitting its stride internationally.Good news for me!