donald judd had a boat in switzerlandI am finally back to posting after traveling and a bit ofNew Year'soverindulgence.... I found this old Architectural Digestabout Donald Judd's home in Switzerlandwhile out picking in North Carolina.Dig this cover with the"Donald Judd" banner.OFF.Could they have picked a more non-Judd cover pic?I could deal with this.What is that Saturn art?I hate this room.So minimal and boring.Where is the fake wood paneling and the potted plants?So sterile and awful.What's up with that cheap wood furniture too?Why are there no books in those metal bookcases on the wall?This guy is nuts.This is a bit more like it.Finally some forced warmth and clutter.BOR-RING.Is that a chair or a garbage can?Where is all the stuff?How could anyone live like this?Messy minimalism,it was BIG in 1991.Well, at least the view is nice.A view of the boathouse. What does a Donald Judd boat look like??? Maybe like this?Donald Judd 1928-1994Donald Judd's Boat