barbara hepworth is a cutie!Barbara Hepworthas a cutie.1906"At My Studio,7 The Mall, Hampstead"1920s"In Paris with Henry Moore and Edna Ginesi"1920s"My Carving with Ben's Painting"(Ben Nicholson)1930s(What are those sculptures in the back?)"With 'Kneeling Figure'"1930s"Self-Photogram, 1932"Catalog Cover1933"My sculpture, a Ben Paintingand a Calder mobile"1930s"Forms and Hollows"Plaster1930s"My studio, 7 The Mall, Hampstead"1930s"Large with Small Forms"1934"'Abstract and Concrete' Exhibition at the Lefevre Gallery with works by Ben, Mondrian and myself""Cast of my left hand by my right hand"1940s"My newly acquired Trewyn Studio"1940sMaquette for "The Unknown Political Prisoner"1953Barbara Hepworth1958"Trewyn Studio, January 1959""Carving yard at the Trewyn Studio"\1960s(See her peepin' out the window?)"The new studio"1961"My new studio March 1961""In my studio, May 1964"'The marble yard in my studio"1960s"In the workshop with 'Corinthos'"1960s"Marble and tools in the stoneyard, Trewyn Studio"1950s"Carving 'Fugue ll'"1950s"In Trewyn Studio garden Spring 1973"Barbara Hepworth1902-1975RIP More here.