Stylish Things   +  typography

unexpected mountain find: jacob jongert!
Well,Continental cancelled our flight todayand booked us on anew flight,IN A WEEK from now!Well, that wouldn't do, so after2 hours on the horn, we are now headed back Friday.The other good news is that we got to go picking,which we were unable to do earlier due to the weather and the holidaze.
You can imagine howsurprised I was to find this icon of Dutch graphic design sitting on the floorin a booth of potpourri and dried flowersat the local antique mall!Score!We actually bought a bunch of cool stuff,but this was definitely the star of the day.It's a little worse for wear,but it is honest wear,and I think I almost like it better than if itwas dead mint.Someone also punched a bunch of holes in the top,probably to house a rattlesnake for somesnake handlin'at the local Pentecostal church.At least that's the story I'm stickin' with....MoreHEREandHERE