more art basel miami personal picksBrandon Lattu"Dining Case Inside"2006(details)There was A LOTof "book art" at all the fairs.I didn't mind.This was the one piece I could have taken home.John Waters"Pet"2009I love John Waters!He could make a movie about a man who sang with his butthole and I would love it!Wait,he already did....Cordy Ryman"Reconfigured 13"2010Not sure why I liked this so much 4 days ago....It's kinda worn off.Good thing I didn't buy it!Alex Prager"Isabelle"2010I really like Alex's work.I got to see the whole portfolioat M+B @ Pulse.The gallerist showing the portfolio wasworth the price of admission alone!That was a bonus.Henriette Grahnert??This was at Pulse.I liked Pulse.A pain to get to, but I liked the building.And most of the art.Andy Warhol"Grapes"1981This goes in my new "Flag Art"folder for a 2011 post.Steve Lambert"It's About Power, Jr."2010This one is for you Greg W.!Rosemarie Trockel"Untitled"1986Crappy photo of a nice piece.Sorry Rosemarie.Time for a new pocket camera,this one is shot,no pun intended.We are now at The Rubell Family Collection.That place is amazing!Karen Kilimnik"Jane/Creep"(R.I.P.)1991These were hilarious. I could have lived with all of them.Huan Yong Ping"Well"2007(detail)You won't get these unless you have seen them before.I forgot to take the establishing shot.Sorry.Jason Rhoades"Untitled"(Chandelier)2004(details)This piece really grew on me....Marlene McCarty"Pussy"1990"Pussy Power,ever heard of it?"I used to have a friend in art school who used to say that to random people on the street.It would always crack me up!Matthew Day Jackson"Study Collection IV"2010I don't care if skulls are so 2010,I really liked this.We have now left the The Rubell Family Collection.???Can I get a little help?My brain has frozen and I lost the doc shot....This was in Gagosian's booth.Did you notice the embedded Gamboneyou dec arts peeps????This reminds me of my work.I lost the documentation though, again!Bummerville.Any idea smart people of the interwebs?Fernanda Fragateiro"Asymmetrical Wall-Mounted Bookshelves"2010I met Fernanda atARRATIA, BEERwhere my friends Brian and Elizabeth were set-up.She is fantastic!Not only does she do smarty pants brainiac art,it also looks sooo beautiful.That's good for afor a philistine like moi.Fred Tomaselli"Stem Cell Grid"1999This has to me the world's smallest Tomaselli,it was only 10" x 10".Jonas Wood"Untitled"(Still Life on Table)2010I don't know, I was getting tired bythe time I shot this on Sunday.Not so bad. I could stand it if I had to I guess.Scott Burton"Two-Part Bench"(A Pair)1988This looks a lot like those fabulousROLU BOYS!Alexander Ross"Untitlted"2010This is what my mind looked like after 6 days of continuous visual and mentalstimulation, saturated, wilted, yet happy....