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mondoblogo's fall auction highlights
Marc Du PlantierChristie's Paris$41,000 — 76,000
Well,it's that time of the year again.Fall auction season.Here are some picksof the more interesting lots,in my humble opinion.This stool is pretty amazing.I will not be surprised if it goesnear the high estimate,if not higher.
SoldMarc Du PlantierChristie's Paris$21,000 — 27,000
This I like,but I feel the reserve is high,especially these days.
PassGeorges JouveChristie's Paris$14,000 — 20,000
This is a lamp base,so that will hinder it a bit,but still, it's big,graphic and hot. I wouldn't be surprised if it surpasses thehigh estimate.
SoldIn situSalon des Artistes Decorators1954Carlo BugattiChristie's New York$50,000 — 80,000
This is some crazy ass shit.1902This was designed for the "First International Exposition of Decorative Arts"Turin, 1902Bugatti is trending lower, I think as awesome as it isit might have trouble meeting the reserve.
PassGustave Serrurier-BovyChristie's New York$8,000 — 12,000
These will fly,meaning they will have no problemmeeting reserve.Graphic and architectural they would work seamlessly inalmost any space.
SoldArmand Albert RateauChristie's New York$15,000 — 20,000
This is a single sconce that was originally a ceiling lamp,sooo,no helpie,BUTIt is amazing.I say it definitely sells,and maybe (sorry) even flies....
SoldFrancois-Xavier LalanneChristie's New York$50,000 — 80,000
The Lalanne's are red hot,and this fountain, while so specific and franklyuseless,will definitely make someone shed a tear as they write the check for the winning bid.I say it will exceed the high estimate.
SoldClaude LalanneChristie's New York$2,500-3,500
Duh,depending on the edition,this will do tremendously well.It might even scare us....
SoldAlexandre NollChristie's Paris$340,000 — 470,000
Seems high?Well, a single Noll chair has broughtnearly a 1/2 million,so this being one of 3examples (each unique) known,and the fact that it has been in the same collection since 1991,I feel it will sell,but in the middle of the range.
SoldAlexandre NollChristie's Paris$54,000 — 80,000
No brainer in that range,AS LONG,as it is authentic.....
SoldThis helps,butwe'll see.Alexandre NollChristie's Paris$130,000 — 160,000Pricey little side table,but it should squeak by the reserve.
SoldCarl AuböckDorotheum Vienna$4,300 — 4,900
Worth it, but will the Europeans pay?Word on the street is that the Austrian governmentisn't allowing Carl ll's work to leave the country viaauction,and the US bidders have wonmost of the higher priced lots over the years.Is this correct Carl lV?
UPDATE:The legs are replaced on this tableaccording to Carl Auböck lV.Please see comment section for details.
Double Pass!Michael YoungDorotheum Vienna$12,800 — 19,200
Nope, not even close.I do like the table though.
PassCarl AuböckDorotheum Vienna$4,600 — 5,400
That's some pricey pussy....Unique piece, large, early,and cute as hell.It will sell.
SoldJoe ColumboDorotheum Vienna$640 — 900
Those "placemats"will definitely sell.It's huge too!
SoldCarlo MollinoDorotheum Vienna$23,000 — 32,000
Well,the estimate tells us all we need to know....They are not feeling very confident that this is"right".If it was, the estimate would have an extra zeroand still be way, way low.The last version of this table to sell went for$1,314,500!!!I know who bought it,but I would have to shoot myself if I told you....
PASSWilly FrühwirtDorotheum Vienna$1,900 — 2,300I like them like this, but at almost agrand a chair,I think it will be a hard sell because of condition.
PassGuy Rey-MilletDorotheum Vienna$3,200 — 3,600
These are great,and people LOVE stools.It won't be easy,but they may squeak by.
Sold?Pierre JeanneretDorotheum Vienna$19,200 — 25,600
Of all the Chandigarh pieces,this is probably the sexiest,but a single at 20-25?Dreaming.
PassGiorgio Ceretti, Pietro Derassi and Richard Rosso(Gruppe Sturm)Dorotheum Vienna$2,000 — 2,800
Odd Job told me it is a done deal.
Sold.Jerszy SeymoreDorotheum Vienna$1000 — 1500
I'm in.Will sell no problemo.
SoldGerrit RietveldDorotheum Vienna$51,100 — 57,500
I love this all white version.The provenance is very iffy,which will hold it back,way back,unless someone knows more than Dorotheum does.
Pass.Bengt RudaDorotheum Vienna$2,600 — 3,200
Look at this cute little donkey!This is an earlyIKEA chair.Not being familiar with it, or how common it is in Sweden,I will still go with a
sold.Gerhard RichterDorotheum Vienna$3,800 — 5,200
Magic carpet?I think so.
SoldAlexandre NollPhillips New York$15,000 — 18,000
Cool, illustrated,but kinda small.
PassJean RoyerePhillips New York$45,000 — 55,000
These are killer. I love them, butunless the reserve is considerably under the low estimateit's gonna be tough....
PassGerrit RietveldPhillips New York$25,000 — 35,000
This sold at Wright for $27,600including the juice in 2006.ItSHOULD sell,but again, gonna be close....
Sold?Carlo ScarpaPhillips New York$25,000 — 35,000 EACH
SoldAlready sold, sold 3 times.These might scare us.
Sold, Sold and SoldFontana ArtePhillips New York$18,000 — 22,000
These are a NYC decorator's dream,small, chic and lux.
SoldIco ParisiPhillips New York$2,500 — 3,500
I love this.It will sell because I am going to buy it!
SoldScott BurtonPhillips New York$32,000 — 36,000
Art or design?Because it is from an edition of only 2,and because it trends towards art(is art)....
SoldJonathan NesciPhillips New York$3,000 — 5,000
Jonathan is a dear friend.I love his work.
SoldMarc NewsonPhillips New York$70,000 — 90,000
This chair is GORGEOUSin person.
Sold 100%(Even if Larry G has to buy it back....)Henri MatissePhillips New York$15,000 — 25,000
SoldChristoPhillips New York$3500 — 4500
I'm a little out of my depth with these last 3 lots,but,I say
sold.Paul McCarthyPhillips New York$5000 — 7000
Would make the perfect Chelseaart collectorchristmas tree.