Stylish Things   +  Spaced Out

dirty stoned hippie architects from space....
Ok.I have to come clean.(pun intended)I am not a fan of dirty,as in filthy,meaning actually dirty,covered with dirt, not "dirty" which is fine, if you are still with me at this point,you know what I mean.I think.So while I was taking the pictures for this post I was amazedat the creationsthese dirty hippies made,but couldn't help thinking,would it be so hard to take a bath?I'm into the long hair, beards and all,but dude needs a shower....McLuhan Geisha HouseCerebrum ClubNYC1968
So,there won't be many pictures of the dirty hippy creators.Just ones of their clean hippy friends and patrons andof course, onesof their wonderful creations....Stan VanDerBeekin front of the "Movie-Drome"Stony Point, NY1964Stan looks pretty clean, but dude,clean up the front yard yo!Neke Carson"Man-Moon Fountain"1968
Nudity is a trait I admire in a hippie,especially a clean nude hippy.You really can't go wrong with that....Ugo La Pietra"Plastic Environment for Experiencing Optical Phenomenon"1969ALEPH"Stroboscopic Crystal Waterfall Environment"1969She looks comfortable....Kasuba"Stretched Fabric Environmentfor Teresa Sevilla"1970Kasuba"Walk in Environment"1971Kasuba / Silvia Heyden"Sleeping Bower,"Walk in Environment"1971Ant FarmInflatable 50' x 50' PillowFreestone, California1969Paolo Soleri"Visionary Cities"1970He looks pretty clean.Paolo SoleriCeramic StudioCosanti FoundationScottsdale, Arizona1961Haus-Rucker Co."Yellow Heart"1968Haus-Rucker Co."Yellow Heart"1968Proto George Condo Masks no?This place looks amazing,but probably smelled terrible.....Bucky Fuller would be so proud.He would.Seriously.The early stages of Drop City.Multi-colored geodesic domes?GoodVintage denim?GoodStoned Hippies on roof with baby and that ladder?BadDrop City DUO-DodecahedronDrop City1966I might have to build this in North Carolina....They might have been dirty,but those hippies could WORK!And PLAY!
Bathtub DomeDrop City1969(How appropriate....)Changed my mind,this is the one I will build....24" x 24"Not bad,bigger than a typical NYC one bedroom.Paolo SolariNorth StudiosCosanti FoundationScottsdale, Arizona1961Aleksandra Kasuba"Cocoon Dwelling"Whiz-Bang CityEast Woodstock, NY1972Mark Mills"Limp Penis House"(Seriously, that is the name.)Carmel, California1969Charles Harker / Tao Design"Earth House"(under construction- dirty ok)West Lake Hills, Texas1970Charles Harker / Tao Design"Earth House" (completed- dirty verboten)West Lake Hills, Texas1970Wadsworth HousePrickly Mountain Warren, Vermont1966Tack House / Sellers ResidencePrickly Mountain Warren, Vermont1966Party PolaroidPrickly MountainYeah, I bet things got pretty "prickly"....