bruno munari, my favorite italian geniusBruno MunariCome on,even if you don't already love him,you do nowafter just one pic, right?That's him in the middleof a gaggle ofFuturistsat the Galleria Pesaro.Milan1929-32Here he is at the San Varese Mill.Ticino Park1966This picture scares me.What happenedto his finger??Here he is atthe exhibition of his"Quadri quadrti"and "Macchine intili"1951Bruno Munari"Autoritratto"1935He's such a freak.Munari in his studio.1933Bruno Munari"Manifesto del macchinismo",1938Published in "arte concreta 10"1952Bruno with some of his"workin' bidness"1940sPlaying with light.1960sPlaying with light.c1960s'What chu talkin' 'bout Munari?"Guilia Sala looks confusedand has a thumb shapedjust like a penis.See?Drawing with light1950sEarly Zerox art"Xerographia originale"1971"Sensitiva"1940Chatting in the studio1930sChecking his watchin front of his muralat theMilan Triennaleof1936Munari with his"Macchine a luce polarizzata"1950sBruno in one of the rooms at the "Imaginary Museum of the Eolie Islands"Panarea1955Munari and his"Sculture da viaggio"1960sMunari hiding behind his"Machine intutile"1950sPosing with his marble muralMilan1949Being Power1960sBruno MunariGenius1907-1998