Stylish Things   +  woodworking

sandback in da house
At ICFF I ran into my old grad school roommate Peter Sandback.It was quite a surprise, I don't think I had seen him in 15 years!His booth looked killer.These end grain "Drum" tables were really nice.Peters work is beautiful,smart and funny.The craftsmanship is literally perfect.(Just like his artwork was back in the day.)Sweet.Peter's father was a minimalist sculptor,I see his the influence,mixed with Peter's love of materials.Delicious detail.Crazy burl top on this baby.Can you see my face in the burl?This lamp was fun.I couldn't get a good full shot,but check it out on his website.These are cast apples that show all his color choices for his cast stone table tops.LOVED THESE!Cast concrete bunnies he made for his daughters.Jeff Koons eat your heart out!So, I loved the bunnies, but the cast concreteNutter Butters?Are you kidding?LOVE them!Please see more of Peter's amazing work here.