Stylish Things   +  Rosson Crow

art overdose continues: rosson crow
Eric and I went to the Rosson Crow "Bowery Boys" show at Deitch Projects the other night. Great space (will this be the last show before Jeffrey leaves for MOCA?), cool crowd, and the show looked amazing as a whole, and I liked some of the paintings, but... I don't know.... something left me a little cold, although when I look at the paintings in these pics they make me happy. I'm more confused now that I am writing about it. I guess that means I need to go back and check it out again....The space is so huge that the paintings look smallish in this shot, but they're not.Tribute to Keith Haring, or should I say homage. It is titled "Pop Shop".This one is really nice. It's titled, "Untiltled (opium den)".Eric Kvatek looking cold, I mean cool.Homage to Bruce Nauman."The Bang Bang Room"Several jokes going on here, one even related to some recent architecture/design in NYC.Sexy Detail.Not so sexy real thing.
It was cool to see Michael Stipe there, and Kenny Scharf, who without, this show probably wouldn't have existed. The first image is a detail from "Cosmic Cavern" a big nod to Mr. Scharf. Mr. Haring helped a bit too I guess....Please make sure to check the Deitch website out to see the rest of the paintings, they are well worth the look.