Stylish Things   +  sculpture

art + architecture = happy
Ok, still feeling lazy... (I moved my sister today, so maybe that has something to do with it...) but here goes....
I saw a great show yesterday that I had heard nothing about, just stumbled upon it (that would make a great name for a website....), I love when that happens.Anyway, it is at the Nicholas Robinson Gallery and celebrates the art that Donald Judd lived with and promoted from his building at 101 Spring Street. The building will be closed for the next 3 years for a major renovation and this is an exhibition celebrating that. Why not?Anyway, great art, great space, and a great job Mr. Robinson, Coo Coo Ca Choo to you!David NovorosUntitled, 1969Judd's work/drafting table from 101 Spring.There were great vintage color prints of the Spring Street space interspersed throughout the exhibition.Loved that.The Man.John ChamberlainFun, 1978All of these works were for sale btw.Carl "I threw my wife out the window to her death" Andre3RD STEEL SQUARE, 2008Not a fan.Geeze, let's move on Carl. It's the 21st century and you are still alive for Christ's sake.H.C. WestermannLily Bolero, 1967This is actually better in person.More vintage 101 power....Claes OldenburgTypewriter Eraser, 1977This looked like it had been made yesterday.It was kinda weird, NOS C. Oldenburg.Hans ArpOwner of the Heidelberg Cask, 1962I wanted to take this home BAD!Marcel DuchampWith Hidden Noise, 1916/1964I could live with one of the 4 made....Dan FlavinUntitled (to Lucie Rie, master potter) 1d. 1990Dan, guess what?That's not "untitled"....Dan FlavinUntitled (NOT!) (In Honor of Harold Joachim) 2, 1977This was really beautiful.Hense the HUGE picture for your viewing pleasure,too bad it is a shitty iphone pic yet again!Another shot of 101, blurry, but still beautiful.How'd you like to go to sleep there every night?Looks like home to me....Getting jealous of a dead man right about now....Jealousy rising....Look at those sweet early Rietveld chairs!101 Spring outside.101 Spring, collage of inside, floor by floor.Night night.................