palm springs update
Loving P.S., but the loot so far has been slim. The next 2 days of shopping could be good, we'll see.... Here are some of what I have seen, and bought, so far...."Good art""Bad art""Good clown""Bad clown"Raymor for home.Venini for sale.Cool kids chair for the collection.Have never seen this one before.Minor book haul.Incredible abandoned restaurant. Don't know who designed it yet, but I will find out.The sign out front says "Bananaz Coming Soon!"Let's hope not....Great neon sign of an elephant. Not such a great shot taken from our moving car.Love this.Love this more...and more...and more! I have to find out what Hippy from Space designed this....This was a label on a chair in a consignment shop. I guess the heirs are getting rid of a few things...only in Palm Springs!And finally, a puddle shaped like Africa.