Stylish Things   +  woodcarving

our danish bird friends
Here is our Danish bird collection. I wish I knew more about these, but my Scandinavian chops are just so-so at best. I have seen people call them Dansk, but I don't think that is correct. Some have said Kay Bojesen, but I know that is wrong. Others have said, related to the Dansk attribution that they were designed by Jens Quistgaard, but I just don't know for sure. Maybe you do??? Anyway, Jessie and I love them. They live here on the window's edge, glad they are inside when it is cold and bleak like today, and just rarin' to get out during the Summertime, but they must stay in at all times, since they are domesticated. They wouldn't last out there in the wilds of the NYC streets for 2 seconds with the crack fueled squirrels and the hopped up pigeons, not to mention the tree climbing rats and most dangerous of all, The Cannibal Frog!TerranceAgnesOld BobMr. DougDennisOld DennisSamanthaPorkchop